I look back on an exciting convention year in 2024, which brought me a total of 15 events in 12 cities across Germany. Among these events was a special Gothic convention, along with 14 anime and manga cons that allowed me to share my passion with like-minded individuals. It was a joy to meet so many wonderful people and reconnect with numerous friends at various cons. The encounters with amazing customers enriched my year and created unforgettable memories. I am grateful for all the support I have received and look forward to the upcoming challenges and experiences!
02. March - Novacon - Leipzig Einkaufszentrum - Website
21.+22.+23.+24. March - Manga Comic Con / Leipziger Buchmesse - Leipzig - Website -> Standnummer G310 Halle 1
27.+28. April - FaRK - Landsweiler Reden - Website
11.+12. May - HanaCon - Hannover - Website
17.+18.+19.+20. May - WGT - Leipzig - Webiste
25.+26. May - Hanami - Koblenz - Website
1.+2. June - YumeKai - Memmingen - Website
8.+9. June - RolePlay Verse - Oberhausen - Website
12.+13. July - Shiroco - Chemnitz - Website
16.+17.+18. August - Main Matsuri - Offenbach - Website
6.+8. September - Connichi - Wiesbaden - Website - B12 Händlerhalle
20.+21. October- Heroes XP Cologne - Köln - Website
4.+5.+6. October - NiCon - Hannover - Website
02.+03. November - KAIDAN - Mainz - Website
30.11 November + 01.12 December - Comic Con Stuttgart - Stuttgart - Website